Friday, May 05, 2006

Beauty Consultant on Skin Care Basics

By Sheila Dicks
If you’re like many women you are confused about how to choosethe proper skin care. Or maybe you have some knowledge of what isavailable but you are not sure what is a good choice for you.Cosmetics come in many forms and deciding which is good for youis often a matter of personal taste.
However, in order to make agood decision here is some basic information that you shouldknow.
Cleansers: Are used to cleanse the skin of impurities and restoreit to its natural oil balance.
Types of Cleansers
Soap: Almost everyone uses it. If you have dry or oily skin besure your soap is helping correct the problem. Medicated soapsare meant for acne and problem skin, hypoallergenic soaps aremeant for sensitive skin and there are drying soaps for oily skinand oily soaps for dry skin. If you have problem skin it is bestto see a dermatologist.
Liquid Cleansers: Are made for all types of skin. A good cleansergoes deep into the pores to loosen and lift excess oil andmakeup.
Creams: Are used for dry skin
Pad Cleansers: Are thick wad of absorbent material and are goodfor touch ups throughout the day.
Grains: Are coarse cleansers that are used for oily skinRefreshers: Are used to complete the cleansing process. They helptone; sooth and rehydrate the skin keep complexions clear andclean.
Types of Refreshers:
Astringents: Are meant for oily and normal skin types. Theyusually have alcohol as an ingredient that will stimulate thecomplexion and close the pores. This is not a product to use ondry skin.
Toners: Are mild refreshers and are meant for normal and dryskin.
Fresheners: Are recommended for dry, sensitive or problem skin.
Moisturizers: Replenishes moisture and nourishes the skin.
Types of Moisturizers:
Moisturizers for normal skin: Helps maintain the moisture innormal skin.Moisturizers for dry skin: Helps restore skin’s natural moisturebalance.
Oil Control Moisturizers: Help control excess oil and preventblemishesEmollients: Are rich creams suited for extra dry skin thatreplenishes the natural supply of the skin’s oil. Thismoisturizing cream forms a protective shield that minimizesmoisture evaporation and allows increased hydration of dry areas.
Masks: Exfoliates dead surface cells as it hydrates andmoisturizes the skin.
Types of Masks:
Facial Masks for normal to dry skin: Help relax facial musclesand remove dry flaky skin.
Facial Masks for oily skin: Refines skin’s texture and deepcleans to help control surface sebum.Pore Packs: Are designed to eliminate blackheads and reduceblemishes. Mostly used for oily skin.
Foundation Protection: Foundation protects the skin by keepingmoisture in and dirt out with the added benefit of a flawlessfinish. This is a step that some women skip because they don’tquit know how to apply it and are not getting the right look.
Acouple of suggestions: make sure you have the type that iscompatible with your complexion, test the color on your jaw lineand it should be the same color as your complexion and make sureyou have exfoliated (if not the foundation will show up asflaky).
Types of Foundation:
Full Coverage: used for normal to dry skin for extra hydration.
Medium Coverage: used for normal to oily skin.
Whatever your skin type take care of it by keeping it clean.Cleanse, tone and moisturize every morning and every night.Irregular or improper cleansing causes skin problems and makeupthat is left on the skin will dull the skin’s surface; while oiland dead skin cells will clog the pores and cause blackheads.
Sheila Dicks is a wardrobe and image consultant who teaches womenhow to look slimmer by dressing to suit their body type. Visither at to download a copy ofher e-book Image Makeovers and get How to Build a Wardrobe free.

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