Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Eight Causes of Adult Acne

The causes for adult acne are often the same as they were during the teen years for people who had acne as teenagers. However, for adults who never had acne before, there can be new reasons for why they have now developed acne.

While the exact causes of adult acne are debatable, it is well known that hormonal fluctuations can trigger the onset of adult acne. That is why many women suffering from adult acne notice a change in their acne around the time of their menstrual cycle.

While hormones are a big contributor to the onset of adult acne, there are a number of other reasons as well. Here are eight major causes of adult acne.

1. The Poorly Understood Cause of Most Teenage and Adult Acne

Most dermatologists focus entirely on the skin when they talk about the causes of teenage and adult acne. They concentrate on how dry cells mix with sebum, and the resulting blockages or plugs that occur in the pores. These plugs then lead to sebum build-up, and bacterial infections often result.

Although there is certainly truth to this answer, it is not complete. And failing to understand the deeper causes of teenage and adult acne unfortunately results in most acne treatments failing.

The cause of acne is actually toxins and wastes that build up inside the body that cannot be properly eliminated. The body has several \"normal\" methods for expelling these toxins, through the liver, kidneys, colon, small intestine, and other organs.

However, if any of these organs are weak and can\'t handle the load -- or if the buildup is too great or too rapid -- acne can result.

That is because the body absolutely must get rid of the toxins. So in a last ditch effort to cleanse itself, the body tries to flush the unwanted toxins out through the pores of the skin. The sores and blemishes that result are what we call acne.

Now let\'s discuss additional causes of adult acne.

2. Adult Acne and Menstruation

Oftentimes, a woman\'s adult acne will revolve around her menstrual cycle and pimples will develop a few days before the onset of her period.

The reason for this is that during this time, a woman\'s estrogen levels are decreasing while her progesterone levels begin to rise. This causes the sebaceous glands to produce more oil, which can result in the onset of pimples.

3. Adult Acne and Pregnancy

As if pregnant women don\'t have enough to worry about, they often have to worry about developing acne too!

It is very common for adult acne to present itself during pregnancy. Women undergo a slew of hormonal changes during pregnancy.

Acne is often at its worst during the first three months of pregnancy, when hormones are fluctuating all over the map. However, it is possible for acne to last throughout the entire pregnancy and to continue into the breastfeeding period.

Fortunately, most pregnant women will likely go back to their pre-pregnancy complexions with time.

4. Adult Acne and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, also often referred to as Polycystic Ovarian Disease, is one of the most commonly misdiagnosed conditions in women. The condition affects six to ten percent of all women -- and most women don\'t even know they have it!

While irregular or absent menstruation is the most common sign of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, acne is almost always present when this condition occurs.

Women suffering from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome suffer from substantial hormone imbalances. When these hormone imbalances are treated, the acne often resolves itself.

5. Adult Acne and Menopause

It would be nice to think that menopause would signal the beginning of the end of adult acne. Unfortunately, adult acne can appear in postmenopausal women, too.

While it\'s not common, it\'s not impossible to experience the onset of acne during your 40\'s, 50\'s and beyond. When acne develops at this stage in the game, it\'s usually mild, but it can still be a cause of embarrassment and annoyance.

6. Adult Acne and Medication

Research has shown that some medications can cause adult acne. These include anabolic steroids, some meds that contain lithium and iodine, isoniazid and rifampin, and some anti-epileptic medications.

7. Adult Acne and Chemicals

Chlorinated industrial chemicals can create a skin disorder called chloracne, which is actually a type of rash that is caused by exposure to chlorinated industrial chemicals or herbicides.

8. Adult Acne and Physical Pressure or Friction

Finally, adult acne can be caused by certain types of chronic physical pressure to the skin, such as the placement of a violin beneath the jaw and chin, or the chafing from the straps of a backpack. This type of acne is called acne mechanica.

Bob Grant helps acne sufferers truly get rid of their acne naturally. Get a free copy of his report, \"The Surprising Truth About Acne,\" when you subscribe - free - to his popular Acne Secrets newsletter.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

How to Start a Personal Skin Care Routine

One of the most necessary things for any person is skin care. Depending on a person’s beliefs they will have different personal skin care routines. For some their personal routine involves going to their favorite parlor to beautify their skin. Some would prefer to do their personal routine through facials and body scrubs, which they use, skin care products for. When it comes to personal skin care individuals have their own convictions. Contrary to what many think skin care doesn’t have to be complex or expensive. Considering the benefits you can get by developing a personal skin care routine the cost you may pay out is well worth it.

The first step in determining your personal skin care routine is to find out what your skin type is. You skin is dry, sensitive, normal or oily. Finding your skin type is the most important step in starting a routine. Buying products that aren’t suitable for you skin won’t work well. The basis of all your skin care product purchases should be those that match your skin type. The following example is of a routine for people with normal skin.

The first and most essential part of a skin care routine is cleansing. Using water that is too hot or cold will only dry your skin and cause damage so during cleansing your should use warm water. The three major components of cleansers are called wetting agents and they are typically oil, water and surfactants. The oil and surfactant help to remove dirt from the skin while the water washes the dirt away. You should take the time to find a cleanser that works well with your bodies chemistry. When shopping for cleansers it is a good idea to use a cleanser that is soap-free since over cleaning the skin can also cause additional damage.

The second step is the removal of dead skin cells through exfoliation. Renewing the skin and removing the dead skin cells is the bodies’ natural continuation process. The efficiency of skin care products will be increased by the exfoliation process. After cleansing the skin you will perform the exfoliation. If you have normal or oily skin then you should exfoliate your skin at least four to five times a week. If you have sensitive or dry skin then you should exfoliate your skin only one to two times a week.

After showering or bathing while your skin is still damp you should apply a moisturizer. Every person no matter what their skin type should use moisturizers, even if their skin is oily. Moisturizers are play an important role in attracting moisture from the environment to your skin and then locking it in the skin. However, harm can result if you use too much moisturizer on your skin.

The last step in your personal skin care routine is the use of sunscreens. One option you can choose is finding a moisturizer or lotion that has a SPF or UV protection built in so that you can get two benefits from one application.

You will have to do some testing first in order to find the best personal skin care product for you. Not all skin care products are going to work for every individual so you can’t determine a product is good until you find one that works with your skin. If you have skin disorders it is a good idea to get advice from a dermatologist before starting a personal skin care routine.

Bette Daoust writes on Beauty tips - , and Beauty tips and skin care advice - and Acne skin care and solutions -

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Essential Skin Care And Makeup Products You Sould Have When You Travel

Are you going on a trip and want to know what beauty and make up basics you will need to pack –and those you won’t?


Remember the basics:
* Make up remover
* Tonic
* Eye contour gel/cream
* Moisturizer

Tip: Use small containers or travel-sized products so that everything will fit into your hand held toiletry bag….there are also many brands which currently produce tiny travel make up kits. Treat yourself to one! They are normally quite cheap …


* Body moisturizing cream
* Exfoliant

Tip: Get hold of a pair of exfoliating gloves for your body, they are very easy to acquire and work really well. Aside from this they aren’t heavy to carry, they don’t wear out, and they work wonders to eliminate all the dead cells, leaving the skin smooth…


* Corrector
* Foundation
* Powder (if your skin is combination or greasy)
* Neutral shadow for daytime
* Shadow for partying –remember it’s Christmas!
* Light shadow
* Black pencil (it can get you out of a corner if you happen to want to replenish your make up and you haven’t got a dark shadow with you: you can use the pencil as shadow and then spread it with a brush)
* Mascara
* Rosy or earthy rouge
* Your favourite lipstick
* Transparent gloss
* Colored lip pencil, so that if you feel like making your lips up a little more on day, you can use the pencil and the gloss over it and there you have it: a new lipstick color! Besides the pencil weighs little.
* Illuminator. Don’t forget to bring the illuminator. Use it for the party make up….


* Bring a hair pack. You’re sure to need one …
* If your hair is difficult to manage or sensitive, bring your treatment with you. The shampoos in hotels tend to be for normal hair.


Don’t forget ….
* Nail file. They always break when you’re away.
* Transparent or ivory varnish
* Colored varnish, if you normally use this


* Bath salts. A holiday is an ideal time to relax in a bathtub.
* Face pack. Make the best of the little extra time you have while on holiday and look after yourself…
* Beauty flash or shock treatment to be stunning. Bring it in single doses so it weighs less.

I’m off on holiday to a warm place …

To relax, enjoy the sun and the hot weather, a great way to unwind….But –what do I pack in my suitcase?....


The same essentials as for a trip to cold climes, and:
* Moisturizing cream with high factor sun block
* Facial sun block.
* After sun cream


The same essentials as for a trip to cold climes, and:
* Sun block for the level of protection you need. Remember that it is very important to protect yourself from the sun.
* Ultra moisturizing cream for after-sun, and to calm the skin
* Moisturizing cream with a touch of illuminator-why not? It’s hot and you’re sun-tanned, so bring out your tan …


The same essentials as for a trip to cold climes, but:
* Switch your foundation for a tanning powder. Give yourself a few touches with the brush and you’ll see how your face instantly acquires a healthy look.
* Forget dark colors for shadows, and select some light, luminous ones
* Go for lip glosses. These look good in hot climes…


The same essentials as for a trip to cold climes, but:
* The hair pack should contain after-sun treatment.

The same essentials as for a trip to cold climes, but:

* Take the opportunity to paint your toenails
* Paint your toenails in striking colors


The same essentials as for the cold, and also:
* Moisturizing face pack. When we sunbathe, the skin dries up. Remember to bring a face pack and take this opportunity to relax …see how grateful your skin will be.

About The Author

Articles by Asuncion Parra Llorente a Beauty coach and founder and professional Make Up teacher at the Make Up school Elite Make Up.

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